The Last 3 Months


Moving is hard work.

In honor of the February 2015 release of the movie musical The Last 5 Years (a musical I adore and played in the pit orchestra for in college) starring my favorite actress Anna Kendrick, here’s a brief synopsis of the last three months of my life for those of you who haven’t been in touch with me.  Continue reading

Under the Sea: Learning to Dive in Koh Rong Saloem, Cambodia

For as long as I can remember, I have had a fear of being underwater. Which is strange considering I spent all of my early years by the ocean, and most of my summers at the beach. I was convinced I could swim by the time I entered college, since I could theoretically move myself in water from point A to point B. It wasn’t until college that I learned that swimming meant sticking your face, and part of your head, underwater, where it was impossible for humans to breathe. So how did I get from there to diving? And what lessons, if any, did I learn from the whole experience? Continue reading